Olbia 20.03 °C

Economics and Tourism Management

The Degree

The degree programme in Economics and Management of Tourism has been running in Olbia since the academic year 2015/2016.

Managed by Disea (Department of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Sassari), it is a three-year degree program and is free access; however, prospective students must take a placement test, the failure of which does not preclude the possibility of registration. 

The degree course in Economics and Tourism Management aims to train professionals with high skills for the economy of tourism, one of the main sectors of Sardinia and in which Olbia and Gallura play a leading role. 

The program trains graduates who are prepared to address the accounting, management, economic and legal issues of companies and entities operating in the tourism sector.

The course allows access to the master’s degree primarily in tourism but also offers the possibility of direct access to different job positions in public and private organizations in the tourism sector.

180 etcs
3 years
University of Sassari (Uniss)
Courses start:
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Final Examination 3
Free 18
Planning and control of tourism enterprises 9 SECS-P/07
Economics of transport and the environment 9 SECS-P/06
Resources and the environment 6 SECS-P/13
Finance for tourism enterprises 6 SECS-P/09
Organization of tourism enterprises and human resources 9 SECS-P/10
TOTAL CREDITS - Third Year 60
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Business management and tourism marketing 9 SECS-P/08
Tourism Law 9 IUS/06
Budget and economic and financial analysis 9 SECS-P/07
Financial mathematics 6 SECS-S/06
Analysis of tourist flows 9 SECS-S/04
Tourism Economics 9 SECS-P/01
Commercial Law 9 IUS/04
TOTAL CREDITS - Second Year 60
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Statistics 9 SECS-S/01
General mathematics 9 SECS-S/06
Economic geography and tourism 6 M-GRR/02
English for tourism 9 L-LIN/12
Business administration 9 SECS-P/07
Principles of economy 9 SECS-P/01
Civil Law 9 IUS/01
TOTAL CREDITS - First Year 60

Learning outcomes

The degree programme in Economics and Management of Tourism intends to provide an in-depth knowledge of the tourism sector, through the understanding of the business, economic, legal and quantitative dynamics that characterize the market, the organization of services, the administration of businesses and bodies, the management of tourist offer systems, destination management, the enhancement of goods and resources, consumer choices and trends in tourism flows.

 This programme is aimed at young people interested in acquiring high professional skills and in-depth knowledge of the tourism system, with a view to the employment in private companies or in public bodies of primary importance.

The degree programme is also addressed to private and public operators in the tourism sector, interested in having new tools to properly interpret the development trends of the tourism sector and adapt their skills to the best knowledge of the moment, giving new managerial competitiveness to private enterprise and guaranteeing new growth opportunities to the territory.

Career opportunities

Graduates in the course of Economics and Tourism Management can find placement in various public and private organizational contexts directly or indirectly related to the tourism sector. These are some of the professions formed by the Course:

  • administrative officer/manager/head
  • trade officer/manager/head
  • marketing and social media marketing officer/manager/head
  • analyst
  • receptionist
  • reception manager
  • revenue manager
  • travel agency agent
  • accommodation manager
  • event planner
  • meeting industry and congress operator
  • copy editor
  • communication manager or operator
  • purchasing manager
  • food and beverage manager/assistant
  • officer/manager/head of administration and control, finance and organisation and human resources.

      Info and Contacts
      Dean of the Faculty
      Prof. Lucia GIOVANELLI
      Via Muroni 25, Second floor, Sassari - Costa Smeralda Airport, First floor, Olbia
      Tel: 079213020
      Prof. Giovanelli receives on the days indicated in the student reception (indicated in the Moodle platform). More days and/or times may be agreed by email.
      Academic Office
      Costa Smeralda Airport, First floor, Olbia
      The Academic Office of Olbia receives from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 13, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 15 to 18.