Olbia 20.03 °C

The Consortium

Institutional Aspects

"Consorzio Polo Universitario Olbia", shortened "Polo UniOlbia", is a non-profit association that operates in the public interest in the territory of the Region of Sardinia, specifically in the Gallura region, pursuing civic purposes, solidarity and social utility.

The Association, based in Olbia, is constituted by the Municipality of Olbia, the University of Sassari, the Aspo Spa, the Industrial Consortium Cipnes Gallura, the Association of management of the Protected Marine Area of Tavolara-Capo Coda Cavallo, the Sinergest Olbia Spa, Geasar Spa and the Euro-Mediterranean Institute-ISSR. 

The Association "Consorzio Polo Universitario Olbia" has the mission to contribute to the general objectives of the University of the 21st century, aimed primarily at the person, knowledge and democratic society and with the specific objectives of:

  • promote and disseminate the university culture;
  • promote and develop scientific research, technological development in the fields of tourism, environment, health, public governance, human resources;
  • to promote and disseminate interregional, national and international cooperation, within a framework of interdisciplinary and integration with production and services;
  • to disseminate the production and quality of scientific publications resulting from academic cooperation.

    The mission

    The Association "Consorzio Polo Universitario Olbia" wants to represent the reference structure for the establishment and management, in the territory of Gallura, of university training courses, post-graduate managerial initiatives, post experience and lifelong learning (LLL) also with remote mode.

    For this purpose, the Association "Consorzio Polo Universitario Olbia" - prior to appropriate agreements with universities, departments, institutes, institutions and foundations concerned, in relation also to the needs of the economic and social activities of greatest interest in the territory of Gallura - will sign the program agreements and the conclusion of special agreements.

    As part of related activities and employees, and in any case within the framework of university and post-university education, as an example and not exhaustive, the Association may carry out the following activities:

    • administrative management, technical-logistic structural support to the smooth development of the degree courses related to the University of Olbia;
    • management of other university-level training activities aimed at the professional updating of technicians, researchers and professionals working in the public and private sectors and the training of new graduates, also with the establishment and/or management of own scholarships or scholarships financed by members or third parties;
      promotion, including through agreements with higher education institutions and with national and foreign research bodies, of logistical, operational and financial support for the implementation and operation of courses, seminars and laboratories, high-level research centres and institutes and special-purpose schools;
    • promotion, with particular reference to regional and provincial realities, of research programmes to be carried out in or with the collaboration of centres, institutes, laboratories, university departments and research centres;
      organizational and financial support for qualified initiatives, aimed at encouraging exchanges with national and foreign cultural institutions;
    • measures to promote, develop, organise and implement, including in cooperation with schools, universities and other educational bodies, training courses and teaching courses specifically aimed at professional updating, the preparation of new skills and the training of qualified research personnel;
    • promotion of activities to identify sources of funding for research and teaching in local, national and European institutions;
    • promoting joint activities between companies, local authorities, other public or private entities, in the context of training and/or research projects of European and international importance, aimed at scientific development, technological, managerial and economic development and the development of new entrepreneurship;
    • promotion of planned initiatives for funding research, innovation and technology transfer and exploitation of research results, in order to facilitate relations between local authorities, public and private enterprises also through consultancy works regulated by specific agreements;
    • experimental development, study and data collection, dissemination of results through teaching or technology transfer in the field of renewable energy and energy saving;
    • management of scholarships and awards for study and internships at industries and local authorities for university students;