Olbia 16.03 °C
14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

UniOlbia, the three-year plan 2022/2024

The Board of Directors of UniOlbia, or PoloUniOlbia, approved the Triennial Business Plan 2022/2024. It is the main act of the programming for university education in Olbia and the strengthening of the supply chains of the production system of Gallura.  Established in Olbia on 4 December 2018, PoloUniOlbia - and its members are the Municipality of Olbia, University of Sassari (Uniss), Company Public Services Olbia (ASPO), The Provincial Industrial Consortium North East Sardinia Gallura (CIPNES - Gallura); Manage Sardinian Airports (GEASAR); Euro-Mediterranean Institute (ISSR) International School of Research and Specialization Training, Consortium for the Management of the Protected Marine Area Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo and SINERGEST - is a non-profit association that operates as a third sector entity pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 117/2017.

The institutional and social aims of UniOlbia

The main aims of UniOlbia are five:

  •  promote and disseminate the university culture;
  • promote and develop scientific research, technological development in the fields of tourism, environment,
    health, public governance, human resources;
  • to promote and disseminate interregional, national and international cooperation, within a framework of
    interdisciplinary and integration with production and services;
  • support academic partnership agreements aimed at the activation of double degrees and joint degrees;
  • to disseminate the production and quality of scientific publications resulting
    from academic cooperation.

Reference structure for training in Olbia

UniOlbia wants to represent the reference structure in order to favor, in the territory of Gallura, the planning, the creation and the management of university training courses, post-graduate managerial initiatives, post experience and lifelong learning (LLL) even with remote mode. To achieve this goal, UniOlbia - prior to appropriate agreements with the universities, academic departments, institutes, institutions and foundations concerned, meeting also the needs of economic and social activities of major interest for the reference territory - will sign appropriate program agreements and the conclusion of appropriate agreements. 

The operational functions of UniOlbia

UniOlbia, operationally, carries out many activities to promote and encourage university education and scientific research in Olbia.

  • administrative management, technical-logistic structural support to the smooth development of the degree courses related to the University of Olbia;
  • management of other university-level training activities aimed at the professional updating of technicians, researchers and professionals working in the public and private sectors and the training of new graduates, also with the establishment and/or management of own scholarships or scholarships financed by consortia or third parties; 
  • promotion, including through agreements with national higher education institutions and research organisations
  • and abroad, of logistical, operational and financial support for the realization and operation of courses,
  • seminars, laboratories, high-level research centres and institutes and special-purpose schools;
  • promotion, with particular reference to regional and provincial realities, of research programmes to be carried out in or with the collaboration of centres, institutes, laboratories, university departments and research centres;
  • organizational and financial support for qualified initiatives, aimed at encouraging exchanges with institutions
  • national and foreign cultural;
  • measures to promote, develop, organise and implement, including in cooperation with schools, universities and other educational bodies, training courses and teaching courses specifically aimed at professional updating, the preparation of new skills and the training of qualified research personnel;
  • promotion of activities to identify sources of funding for research and teaching in local, national and European institutions;
  • promoting joint activities between companies, local authorities, other public or private entities, in the context of training and/or research projects of European and international importance, aimed at scientific development, technological, managerial and economic development and the development of new entrepreneurship;
  • promotion of planned initiatives for funding research, innovation and technology transfer and exploitation of research results, in order to facilitate relations between local authorities, public and private enterprises also through consultancy works regulated by specific agreements;
  • experimental development, study and data collection, dissemination of results through teaching or technology transfer in the field of renewable energy and energy saving;
  • management of scholarships and awards for study and internships at industries and local authorities for university students

The organizational structure of UniOlbia

To pursue its statutory purposes and mission, UniOlbia is implementing a series of functions, activities and services. The Strategic Planning and Special Projects Unit has the aim of planning the strategic activities of the UniOlbia Consortium, as well as planning initiatives of Innovation and implementation of special projects in close collaboration with educational partners and in particular with the University of Sassari. The Secretariat and Administration unit has the function of planning and ensuring the day-to-day management of the services, ensuring the correct accounting and Budget management, including all the reporting phases to the Sardinia Region. The Communication Office will help students and stakeholders to get to know UniOlbia, its activities, its actions, its courses and will contribute to the diffusion of the culture, economy and society of Olbia and Gallura.

The strategy towards the digital future

The tasks indicated in the Statutes draw the strategic line that will draw the mission of the PoloUniOlbia, research and innovation in the North East of Sardinia in close synergy and governance with the production system of the territory and in concert with all public and private stakeholders who have an interest in social economic growth involving potential investors in Smart District Urban and Smart Community. Above all, the radical transformations that the manufacturing - artisanal and service economy are facing, thanks to the enabling technologies of Enterprise 4.0 and therefore to the digital transformation, the acquisition of new and renewed skills that cannot only come from traditional teaching, that imply a continuous transfer of know-how adapted to the incessant accelerations that the social and productive context is in some way absorbing and however avoiding that it suffers negatively; This is why we need policies that allow us to effectively govern the various phenomena in the process of profound social and economic transformation, to cushion the misalignment between professions and skills required by the world of work and the world of training. 

The three pillars of the UniOlbia strategy

The three pillars on which UniOlbia’s strategy focuses are three: Training, Research, Innovation.

Training through the structuring, innovation and increase of university, three-year and master courses, in the areas of Tourism, Health, Environment, Rights and Social/ Cultural.

Research related to university courses, particularly focused on specific themes of the territory with a crucial function to support the strategic choices of the institutional and economic context.

Innovation, another key action for growth, will soon materialise with the operation of the European Technology Platform (PTE) and the Pole for technological innovation, an innovation ecosystem capable of fostering technology transfer, primarily in favour of the local production system. This could be summed up as the essential vision of the University of Olbia: the valorization of the territorial peculiarities and the entrepreneurial specializations of the socio-social systemeconomic development of the North East of Sardinia can evolve into an open innovation ecosystem where generate - interacting with the institutional level and the main actors of training and socio-economic development of the territory - educational activities, research, transfer and enhancement of skills; a driving ecosystem of new innovative enterprise as well as dissemination and social sharing of thematic actions capable of generating a favourable environment for economic growth on the territory. 

UniOlbia operates on 4 major thematic areas

The 4 action areas of UniOlbia are those that most concern the economy of Olbia and Gallura

Tourism A) Management and Tourism Economics with a focus on the nautical, hospitality and services industry through the use of enabling technologies for innovation and more generally realizing dynamics of Smart Tourism; B) Design and management of tourism systems also to support the design and planning of development infrastructure (ports, airports, roads, etc.). 

  1.   A) Management of the Marine and Coastal Environment in the perspective of the Blue Economy; B) Economic Sciences for the Environment and Culture; C) Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and the Territory; in the optical of the circular c.d. and green economy for an efficient and sustainable use of the resources, giving new life to production waste in the context of recent European legislation (EU Directive No. 851/2018) 
  2.   A) Nursing; B) Public Management of Health and Care Systems.

Rights and Social.  A) Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue; B) Summer School on Citizenship and Rights; C) Social Education. 

The scientific partners of UniOlbia

The main scientific partners of UniOlbia are the University of Sassari, which has long been present in the territory of Olbia where it ensures the management of a three-year degree course in Tourism Economics and Management and a master’s degree in Tourism Mangement.

The Protected Marine Area of Tavolara and Capo Coda Cavallo, which carries out tasks of conservation of places of high environmental value, and development of study projects and enhancement of the environment. 

The Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Religious and Historical Sciences which contemplates in its aims the formation and research on multicultural themes and multi-religious dialogue starting from the foundations of Classical/Judeo/Christian thought, promoting research inspired by philosophy and the humanities. 

The degree courses of the University in Olbia

Following its strategic lines, the University Consortium of Olbia supports - essentially on the basis of the annual regional contribution to the widespread university ex artt. 8 and 9 of the L.R. 5/2016 - the educational offer, supporting a series of graduate courses elaborated and structured by its partners and associates, University of Sassari, Consortium Protected Marine Area and Euro-Mediterranean Institute. 

Bachelor in Economics and Tourism Management (active) 

The Bachelor of Science in Economics and Tourism Management directed by DISEA aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of the tourism sector, through the understanding of the business, economic, legal and quantitative dynamics that characterize the reality of the market, the organisation of services, the administration of businesses and bodies, the management of tourist offer systems, destination management, the enhancement of goods and resources, consumer choices and trends in tourist flows. 

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Tourism Management (active) 

The training is structured in such a way as to initially offer advanced training in the fields of legal, economic, mathematical-statistical and business disciplines, and then focus on theoretical knowledge, operational skills and practical skills needed to enable a specialization that can be used in specific sectoral contexts and in any case in a wide range of roles in the field of professional management and counselling. 

Master in Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism (active) 

The Master in Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism aims to train managers specialists in the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of tourism data and processes in a perspective of sustainable development. Through a multidisciplinary training course in the economic, managerial, anthropological, environmental, IT-statistical and legal fields, the outgoing professional figures will be able to carry out consulting activities and support decision-making processes, in the public and private sector, and to assume managerial and managerial roles in companies. 

Bachelor in Nursing (Triennial and to be activated) 

The Degree Programme in Nursing, to be implemented at the Mater Olbia Hospital is part of the Degree Programmes of the Health Professions and has the objective of training operators who carry out activities aimed at prevention with professional autonomy, care for and safeguarding the individual and collective health of nurses by performing the functions identified by their professional profile and by the specific Code of Ethics. In particular, the objectives of the course are aimed at achieving that the graduate is able to independently manage preventive and care interventions of nurses responsible for general, preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitation of subjects and patients in the developmental, adult and geriatric age, aimed at the individual, the family and the community. The duration of the course is three years and attendance is compulsory. The training course includes: formal teaching activities, teaching activities chosen by the student, professional training activities (internship) as well as a share of activities reserved for study and other individual training activities. The graduate is placed both within the public health structures of the National and Regional Health Service in the form of dependency or in a free professional form, and in private accredited health facilities. The new degree program will be activated by UNISS in synergy with ill Mater Olbia in the next academic year. 

Bachelor in Marine and Coastal Management (to be activated) 

Hosting and rooting in Olbia the degree course would guarantee, especially by virtue of the technical contribution - organizational Consortium of the Protected Marine Area of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo, field testing of a wide range of activities and initiatives related to the protection, enhancement and use of the environment, such as mariculture activities (breeding facilities mussels and floating cages in the Gulf of Olbia)and those connected to the port and sea economy. Such localization would allow the direct knowledge of the problems inherent in the management of the coastal systems to protect and to recover. In general, during the first year most of the lessons would be held so as to leave ample space in the second year, and in particular in the second semester, to the internship experiences and thesis internship. In any case, for a variety of courses, there would be numerous training credits to be spent in the field for practical activities.   The Master in Coastal Marine Environment Management allows you to operate, in full autonomy, in the field of management and protection of the structure and operation of coastal systems and fisheries resources. 

UniOlbia, the three-year plan 2022/2024