Olbia 16.03 °C
14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

UniOlbia will have 53 accommodations at Geovillage for university students

The Consortium Polo Universitario Olbia, better known as UniOlbia, starts its activity in 2023 with a significant endowment: it will have at its disposal 53 student accommodation. The rooms will be made available by Cipnes Gallura in the area of the Geovillage, recently bought back. The student village, within the former 4-star tourist complex, will be entirely sustainable: energy will be produced by solar panels. The accommodation will serve primarily to "satisfy the needs of capable and deserving students even if without means". But UniOlbia, in agreement with the Disea of the University of Sassari, will also reserve places for deserving students internationally with a view to opening university courses abroad in Olbia. 

Funding from the University Ministry

The UniOlbia stain moved quickly and efficiently. The works to arrange rooms and common areas will start with the provision of co-financing, amounting to 2 million 200 thousand euros, granted to the Industrial Consortium by the Ministry of the University. In January 2023, the Cipnes sent the request for co-financing to the Ministry. The 2.2 million was obtained following the participation of Cipnes - together with the strategic partners (University of Sassari, Consorzio Polo Universitario Olbia, Municipality of Olbia) - the notice published by the ministry in August 2022 (here the ranking list). Now, to complete the intense activities, they will serve others 2 million and means, that they will be distributed by the Sardinia Region. 

University accommodation from 4 star hotel

The Cipnes has repurchased to the patrimony of the agency 27 rooms, for 53 total lodgings. The rooms are in compliance with the minimum size and quality standards of the accommodation and residences for university students, as provided by art. 1, paragraph 4-ter of the law 14 November 2000, n. 338, as inserted by art. 39 of the decree-law 9 August 2022, n. 5. ll building consists of a basement and two above ground and occupies an area of 738 square meters for the rooms and 192 square meters for the adjoining toilets. Meeting rooms, common services and relaxation room have an area of 169sqm; the reception areas, offices, bar, restaurant and reading room and TV, breakfast and office have an area of 620 sqm.  The building with the 27 rooms is a hotel destination: the level of the finishes is in good condition and is suitable for a 4-star hotel classification level. The rooms are furnished for a hotel use, complete with: bed, mattress, wardrobe, desk, chair, bedside tables. 

Common areas for the Campus

The accommodation area will also have common areas, a Campus where you can socialize and do activities. The cultural services are available 98 square meters: there are 3 study rooms, a meeting room and two other common areas. Recreational facilities are available 110 square meters: there are 2 rooms for video and music.

The structure powered by renewable sources

In the business plan of Cipnes is planned the construction of plant producing electricity from renewable sources: it will be built in the parking area, occupying an area of about 2,000 square meters.  The intervention consists in the installation of shelters with photovoltaic panels for a total production estimated at about 400kw, with the latest generation panels with high production efficiency, with inverter optimizers and remote management, advanced technology that allows a production improvement of about 25% compared to a plant similar to this technology. The intervention includes the installation of storage batteries for an indicative power between 100 and 150 Kw. To make the spaces even more efficient, Cipnes has planned the replacement of the heat production systems from fossil fuel to self-produced renewable electricity, reducing the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. Water-water-type heat pumps will be installed in which, in the primary circuit, the water coming from the 15 artesian wells present within the property will be circulated, with an average sampling temperature of 14°C.

The strategic location and connections

UniOlbia student accommodation is in a strategic location. They are close to the Polo per l'innovazione under construction in the production district of Cipnes Gallura: just over a kilometer on foot. The apartments are also close to the former Sep area, also in the productive district of Cipnes. Students can then easily reach the classrooms - both downtown and at the airport - by public transport dell'Aspo, which is one of the founding members of the Consortium UniOlbia. Subsequently, conventions will be established to meet even more the needs of students who choose Olbia to graduate.