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14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

Degrees in Economics are the most requested in Italy

Between 2022 and 2026, the average annual need for graduates in Italy will be 250 thousand.  In five years the economic system, private and public, will need 1.25 million graduates.  The degree course in economics and statistics is once again confirmed as the most requestedwith an expected requirement of 47,600 units per year. These are the forecasts of the Excelsior-Unioncamere System contained in the research "Forecasts of occupational and professional needs in Italy in the medium term (2022-2026)".

The most sought-after degrees are those in Economics of the courses taught by Disea in Olbia, with the support of the consortium Polo Universitario Olbia (better known as PoloUniOlbia or UniOlbia).  Almost 50 thousand hires per year in the fields of consulting and finance - speiga the report of Excelsior Unioncamere - due to the fact that "these sectors will be increasingly interested in technological innovation, requiring professionals with high digital skills, for example to operate in fintech or in the field of blockchain and security.

The consulting services - through the figures of project managers, experts in accounting and reporting - will be fundamental for the management of projects related to the PNRR - always explains the relationship -. In addition, the strong growth of business investment in the development of new business models leads to a demand for graduates in economics with specialization in digital marketing and e-commerce.

But the good news, for the offer of the University of Olbiaalso comes from another sector: the health sector. "There is also a very high demand for medical-health graduates, which should exceed, albeit slightly, the 44 thousand units per year" is written in the study of Excelsior Unioncamere.

The economic and health sectors account for 37% of the number of graduates expected for the period 2022-2026.

Robotic engineers, specialists in the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence will also be needed to respond to developments in the world of automation, artificial intelligence and digitalization.

But there are also some negative news, which may be, if not exceeded, certainly limited in the impact of the training of new graduates: the needs of almost 50 thousand graduates in economics per year corresponds - for now - an offer of 30 thousand graduates.  So we need another 17,000 economics graduates.

The comparison between demand and supply of graduates, referring to the average values of the five-year period, shows an overall shortage of supply - is written in the report of Excelsior Unioncamere -. The most marked shortage of supply should affect, in addition to the economic-statistical disciplines, especially the medical-health and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degrees.

In detail, almost 19,000 medical-health graduates per year could be missing, at least 17,000 employed with an economic-statistical title and another 15,000 graduates in the different fields of engineering and architecture as a whole. 

Medium-term forecasts of occupational and professional needs in Italy (2022-2026) - Excelsior Unioncamere