Olbia 16.03 °C
14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

The Rector Mariotti: "Uniss/UniOlbia excellence to export"

As soon as he was elected, the Rector of the University of Sassari, Gavino Mariotti, carried out actions that characterized his ideas: he went to the territories and met the institutions to understand what they needed. Because his strategic goal is to be a community service manager. A radically innovative philosophy that will also benefit Olbia and Gallura.  We interviewed the Rector to explain what he intends to do.

"I am listening to the stakeholders to ensure a strong relationship between the University and the territory, but above all to ensure the territory that our students acquire knowledge and skills that serve the economy - replied the Rector - . Our goal is to understand the needs of the world of work, and provide the necessary professionalism. At the same time, with my meetings I want to understand how the territory is meant to be with the university. I ask that everyone submit directions to the University so that it can organize its educational offer according to the needs of Sardinia".

The Rector makes it perfectly clear what it means to be a community. "We are not the university of the city of Sassari, but the University of Sassari, without administrative boundaries - he explained -. Our natural perimeter is Sardinia: we are strong in Sardinia but open to Italy and Europe. We take into account various needs, different territories. Nuoro city and all the province, Alghero, Oristano, Olbia and Gallura. To the mayors and the president of the Sardinia Region we offer not only teaching and research but also the role of designers of the growth and development of Sardinia. Also for the Recovery Plan: we are in the field not for funding but to help design projects. I met the mayors of Alghero, Nuoro, Arzachena, Porto Torres, Olbia and with everyone I try to trace a common action. We are a reality-aware institution. We have 10 departments, 10 great professionals. Two of these, Agrarian and Veterinary, are unique in Sardinia; Architecture is partly. Our training offer is rich in all fields".

"The University in Olbia is a great example of things done well - said the Rector -My colleagues who worked in Olbia have done excellent work at the national level. They have done a great deal not only in terms of teaching but also in terms of the human. They integrated into the city, shared its needs, helped it. Disea has brought the Olbia degree program to be an organizational model to be exported. I am very pleased with this excellence, and if I use the word excellence I do so with full awareness and rigor. The work will continue with UniOlbia. We are always ready to grasp all the stain. With Mater Olbia we are committed to synchronize a common action for health to citizens. We are preparing to support all the projects that Gallura will propose, but we expect high quality proposals".