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17 Apr 2023, 10.51 AM

Graduates from the Scientific lyceum of Olbia opt for economics degree

Students graduating from the Scientific lyceum Mossa of Olbia have shown a constant interest in economics degrees over the past seven years. This is revealed by a recent research of the Eduscope Project of the Agnelli Foundation, developed by the Communication and Study Centre of UniOlbia.

According to data collected between 2016 and 2022, 23.4% of students graduated in 2016 chose to enroll in business degree programs, while 20.5% of students in 2017 did the same. In 2018, the percentage of students of the Scientific High School of Olbia who chose this road dropped to 16.5%, while in 2019 it rose to 17.3%. In 2020, the percentage rose to 18.9%, reaching 20.1% in 2021 and 20.6% in 2022.

What emerges even more significantly from this research is the choice made by the students of the scientific high school of Olbia to enroll at the University of Sassari, which offers a degree in economics. During the years analyzed, the percentage of students coming from the scientific high school in Olbia who chose to study in Sassari has always been higher than 30%, with a peak of 47.3% in 2016. In 2017, the percentage was 42.1%, while in 2018 it rose to 43%. In 2019, the percentage fell slightly to 41.2%, before rising to 45.2% in 2020.

In the last two years alone there has been a decline. In 2021, the percentage was 38.1%, while in 2022 it fell to 34%.

This choice of the students of the scientific lyceum of Olbia to enroll at the University of Sassari to study economics is certainly significant, especially in light of the constant growth in the number of students who have chosen this path in recent years. This is a fact that testifies to the importance of quality training and adequate preparation of teachers.

In any case, it is clear that the Scientific lyceum Mossa of Olbia is an excellent springboard for students wishing to undertake a university course, especially in the field of economics. And the University of Sassari is one of the favorite choices of the young people of Olbia who want to follow this path.