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17 Apr 2023, 10.51 AM

Graduates from the Classical lyceum of Olbia increasingly choose Economics

Students graduating from the Classical Lyceum Gramsci in Olbia increasingly choose to take university courses in economics. This is what emerges from the data of the Eduscope Project of the Agnelli Foundation, elaborated by the Communication and Study Centre of UniOlbia, relating to the school years between 2016 and 2022.

In recent years, in fact, students of the Classical lyceum in Olbia have shown a growing predilection for business degrees, rising from 8.9% in 2016 to 12.8% in 2022. This trend confirms a national trend that sees more and more young people moving towards the paths of study in the economic field.

In Olbia, in particular, the University of Sassari offers degree programs in economics, which seems to meet a growing interest among students of the classical high school. In fact, according to data from the Eduscopio Project, the students of the classical lyceum of Olbia have chosen the University of Sassari with higher and higher percentages in recent years. In 2022, for example, 42.3% of students opted for this university, compared to 27.8% in 2019.

It is interesting to note that this choice was made especially after the Covid pandemic, when the need to acquire skills in the economic field has become even more pressing. Moreover, the presence of the University of Sassari on the territory could have played an important role in the decision of the students, offering them a convenient, safe and reliable option.