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14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

Who are and what do graduates in Tourism Economics in Olbia

More women (65%) than men graduated from Olbia in Economics and Tourism Management. The majority graduate within 23 years (42%), but there is a very high share of graduates over 27 (30%). Also because the student-workers are 10% and the one who had work experience during the courses were 90%. 

The majority of graduates in Economics and Tourism Managers have a technical diploma (51%) and, in large part, want to continue their studies to earn a master’s degree (69%). Although the employment rate of the three-year graduates of Olbia is, after a year, 25.8%, higher than the University’s 0.6 points.

Sono i risultati delle indagini annuali di Almalaurea, il consorzio interuniversitario (cui aderisce anche l’Università di Sassari) che si occupa si realizzare studi e approfondimenti sul profilo e la condizione occupazionale dei laureati.Full results can be found here.

As a Consortium Polo Olbia University Association" - or UniOlbia - we analyzed the survey to present it to the community, students and the production sector of Olbia and Gallura so that it can have the necessary information to make informed choices. 

Almalaurea interviewed the 2021 graduates in the degree course in Economics and Tourism Management held in Olbia by Disea. Number of graduates who completed questionnaire: 64 out of 69.

Gender: 65.2% women, 34.8% men.
Degree age: under 23 years (42%); 23-24 years (18.8%); 25-26 years (8.7%); 27 years and over (30.4%). 
Foreigners: 1,4%.

Residence: same province as the location of the studies (85.5%); other province of the same region (13%); other region (1.4%). 

Parents' degree: at least one graduate (9.4%) of which both with a degree (4.7%) and one with a degree (4.7%); no graduate (90.6%); secondary school diploma (46.9%). 

Secondary studies of graduates: 39.1% high school students (2.9%), linguistics (11.6%), science (23.2%), humanities (1.4%); technical 50.7% of whom economic (39.1%) and technological (11.6%); professional 10.1%. 

University exam scores (average): 25
Grade of degree (average): 96,5% 

Age of registration: regular or 1 year late (65.25); 2 or more years late (34.8%).
Length of studies (average in years): 4,1
Delay to graduation (average in years): 1,1

Work during university studies: they have had experiences (89.1%) of which student-workers (9.4%), other experiences with full-time continuity (9.4%); part-time work (10.9%); occasional, seasonal work (59.4%); work consistent with studies (42.1%).

Profile of graduates in Olbia in Economics and Tourism Management