Olbia 16.03 °C
14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

Disea (University of Sassari) evaluated Department of Excellence

The Disea - Department of Economics and Business Sciences of the University of Sassari - has been evaluated by the Ministry of the University as one 180 Departments of Excellence 2023-2027. For UniOlbia this is great news: Disea organizes in Olbia three degree courses in Tourism Economics,considered a national excellence. 

"The Departments of Excellence are provided for by law 232 of 2016, with the aim of identifying and financing, every five years and within the 14 scientific-disciplinary areas of the National University Council, the best 180 Departments of state universities - writes the Ministry on its institutional site -.These are Departments that stand out for the quality of the research produced and the quality of the development project, which is allocated a total annual budget of 271 million euros".

There were 58 universities involved and 306 projects presented, explains the University Ministry. The fields of study that have received the most funding take into account the number of departments and the number of teachers (as established by Ministerial Decree 230/2022). The largest number of excellent departments are present in the field of Medical Sciences with 20 approved projects, Industrial Engineering and Information together with Sciences of philological-literary and historical antiquity-with 19 projects each eligible for funding. This is followed by Economics and Statistics (18 projects), Law (15), Life Sciences (14), Civil Engineering and Architecture (13), Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Chemical Sciences (11).

The list of 180 Departments of Excellence