Olbia 16.03 °C
14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

What is UniOlbia and what it will do for the territory

The association "Consorzio polo universitario Olbia", simply called UniOlbia or Polo Universitario Olbia, is officially operational. His Vision is to bring Olbia and Gallura as protagonists in the digital future. His Mission is to operate to ensure the best university courses in Olbia and offer to businesses and the territory the professionals of the future. 

UniOlbia was born with the ambition to enhance the strong productive specializations of Gallura - tourism, boating, blue economy - fully integrating them in the processes of technological and digital innovation. UniOlbia supports the degree courses that have been active for years in Olbia by the Department of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Sassari and - in its three-year plan of activities - plans to establish other degree courses, in consultation with the University of Sassari.

UniOlbia will have more locations in the city

The Sardinia Region has given to the UniOlbia Consortium 6.5 million for the redevelopment of a building, the former Upim in Corso Umberto, to be allocated to the operational headquarters of the new university campus. "The intervention is part of the Urban Agenda of territorialized development policies that identifies in Cagliari, Sassari and Olbia the three main urban areas that are prioritized sustainable development interventions", explained the Region.  With the implementation of the strategic plans of the Consortium it is expected to attract more than a thousand students in Olbia, which will be housed in a series of buildings recovered or created from scratch by the city of Olbia and other partners. The administrative office is in the center of Olbia, in the premises of the Olbia Expo, where there is also the Student Hub. The didactic classrooms will be realized, in fact, in the former Upim, in the premises Ex Sep and in the technological pole of the innovation in course of realization in the productive district of the Cipnes. Other classrooms could be created at Mater Olbia. Currently, pending the conclusion of the work in the former UPIM, the lessons will continue to be held at Olbia airport. 

University accomodation for students

The year 2023 began with excellent news for UbiOlbia: the University Ministry co-financed Cipnes Gallura, one of the members of the University Consortium, for the construction of 53 accommodations for students in the former Geovillage. The accommodation, as required by law, will be given priority to deserving students but the strategic program of UniOlbia provides to reserve places for foreign students who will choose Olbia for their training. 

What is UniOlbia

Established as a non-profit association, the UniOlbia Consortium was founded by the Municipality of Olbia, the University of Sassari, Cipnes Gallura, Aspo, Geasar, Sinergest Olbia, the Consortium for the management of the marine protected area Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo and the Euro-Mediterranean Institute (ISSR International School of Training, Research and Specialization). In addition to the founders, the statute provides for the entry into the Consortium of new public and private entities.

The Mission

The Consortium wants to carry out a high social and economic function for the territory of Gallura and Sardinia in general. It aims to promote and disseminate university culture; promote and develop scientific research, technological development in the fields of tourism, environment, health, public governance, human resources; promote and disseminate interregional, national and international cooperation, in a framework of integration with productive realities and services; support academic partnership agreements aimed at the activation of double degrees and joint degrees; promote and disseminate the production and quality of scientific publications resulting from academic cooperation at multiple levels; create and manage university education and postgraduate management initiatives.

A consortium for the economy 4.0

His mission includes training, research and innovation in the North East of Sardinia, in close synergy with the production system of the territory and with all the public and private entities, who want to invest in a Smart District Urban and Smart Community perspective. UniOlbia, therefore, accepts and raises the challenge on the radical transformations that the manufacturing, artisanal and services economy are facing. Economy 4.0, digital transformation require the acquisition of new and renewed skills that can not only stem from traditional teachings; these skills require a continuous transfer of know how, an adequate knowledge to the incessant imposed accelerations of the digital economy. UniOlbia wants to be an actor that contributes to the creation of policies that allow to effectively govern the phenomena in the process of profound transformation, avoiding the misalignment between the skills required by the world of work and those offered by the world of training. 

Green and Digital

With the framework of 9 major thematic areas - Tourism, Environment, Culture, Health, Agribusiness, Sustainability, lnformation Communication Technology, Transport, Shipbuilding - UniOlbia rests its action on 3 pillars. Training, with structuring, innovation and increase of university, three-year and master’s courses. Research, related to university courses. Innovation, which will soon materialize with the operation of the European Technological Platform (P.T.E.) and the Pole for technological innovation, an ecosystem capable of encouraging the transfer of technology to the local production system.

The role of the Pole for the innovation of Olbia

The P.T.E and the Pole are in fact two institutional infrastructures, financed by the Sardinia Region and the PNRR, in the production district of Olbia del Cipnes and which will act as a hub for industrial research and business innovation and as an incubator and accelerator of innovative startups.  UniOlbia, thus, enhancing the territorial peculiarities and business specializations of the socio-economic system of the North East of Sardinia, can evolve into an open innovation ecosystem, driving new innovative companies and creating an environment conducive to sustainable economic growth.

The three-year plan of UniOlbia

The Board of Directors of UniOlbia approved the three-year Business Plan, which provides for the strengthening of the university courses launched by the University of Sassari with DiSea (Bachelor in Economics and Management of Tourism - Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Tourism Management) and the activation of new university courses (Bachelor of Science in Nursing that will be directed by the University of Sassari in partnership with the Mater Olbia;  Master of Science in Management for Sustainable Tourism in English;
Master’s Degree Programme in Management of the Marine and Coastal Environment with the operational and financial support of the Consorzio Area Marina Protetta Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo; Euro-Mediterranean Training School at the initiative of the ISSR-Istituto Euromediterraneo ISSR - International School of Education, Research and Specialization).