Olbia 16.03 °C
14 Apr 2023, 17.20 PM

"The University of Sassari offers high quality sardinian tourism in Olbia"

The university courses in Olbia - like the one in Economics and Tourism Management - were considered a national excellence by a study, Towards the South, commissioned by the Government and realized by the prestigious research center The European House - Ambrosetti. 

Analyzing the growth possibilities of Southern Italy, the study has focused its attention on tourism as a strategic asset - along with archaeological and landscape heritage and food and wine - for the strengthening of the economy, employment and environmental sustainability. 

And in this context, Olbia has been taken as an example. "The tourist offer of the South is characterized by a high quality, with hotels with over 4 stars representing 33% of the total, compared to 20.9% of the Italian average - it is written on page 97 of the study - supported by high-quality training centers, such as the Naples Parthenope University in Campania and the University of Olbia in Sardinia, with courses dedicated to the economy and tourism of tourism enterprises". 

A great recognition for the degree courses promoted by Disea now together with the association Consorzio Polo universitario Olbia, better known as UniOlbia. Olbia and Gallura, as leading territories of the tourist offer in Sardinia, thus confirm their role of high training of entrepreneurs of managers and workers of an economic sector of strategic importance. 

The Report “Verso Sud”