Olbia 20.03 °C

Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism Degree

The Degree

The master’s degree programme in Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism in Olbia intends to train professionals capable of performing managerial functions within public and private bodies operating in the tourism sector, with a vision oriented towards innovation and economic sustainability; social and environmental issues and a particular focus on interpreting market trends and measuring fair and sustainable welfare.

120 etcs
2 years
University of Sassari (Uniss)
Courses start:
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
English for business - Student’s choice - Electives 6 L-LIN/12
Tourism enterpreneurship LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/07
Destination management and digital marketing LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/08
Human resources - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/10
Business and market law LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 IUS/04
Quality management LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/13
Geo-economic context of sustainable tourism development - Student’s choice - Electives 6 MGGR/02
Ethic tourism - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/08
Lab for ETISS - Student’s choice - Electives 6 IUS/21
Final Examination 12
Electives 6
Two compulsory courses to be chosen between the list of electives 12
Financial instruments laboratory for sustainable tourism 6 SECS-P/09
Equality sustainability and well-being measurement LAB 6 SECS-S/05
Innovation management and tourism service design 12 SECS-P/08
Natural capital and ecosystem services 6 SECS-P/06
TOTAL CREDITS - Second Year 114
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Lab for ETISS - Student’s choice - Electives 6 IUS/21
Ethic tourism - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/08
Geo-economic context of sustainable tourism development - Student’s choice - Electives 6 MGGR/02
Quality management LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/13
Business and market law LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 IUS/04
Human resources - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/10
Destination management and digital marketing LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/08
Tourism enterpreneurship LAB - Student’s choice - Electives 6 SECS-P/07
English for business - Student’s choice - Electives 6 L-LIN/12
Electives 6
Data analysis and forecasting methods for sustainable tourism 12 SECS-S/01 - S/03
Legal models for sustainable tourism and mobility LAB 12 IUS/06
International tourism marketing 6 SECS-P/08
Strategic management and governance for tourism companies 12 SECS-P/07
Economics of sustainable tourism 12 SECS-P/01
TOTAL CREDITS - First Year 114

Learning outcomes

The Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism course in Olbia aims to transfer the specialist skills needed for the graduate to establish himself in the regional, national and international labour market to design, organise and manage tourism sector bodies and systems, of complete tourist offer able to offer attractive and sustainable experiences source of development and improvement of the quality of life for the territories.

Among the distinctive skills that the graduate acquires are those necessary to plan and implement digital strategies and innovation useful to support the competitiveness of a tourist destination and to direct the action of public organizational contexts and/ or private (single and/or reticular), including with the use of 4.0 technologies.

Career opportunities

These are the professional figures that form the degree course in Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism in Olbia:

  • Expert in innovation management in tourism companies
  • Specialist in innovation management for companies in the turism sector
  • Specialist in strategic analysis and international strategic management
  • Specialist in international strategic marketing and tourism service design
  • Big data management and measurement of the BES expert
  • Specialist in finance for the tourist enterprise

    Info and Contacts
    Didactic Manager
    Dr. Barbara PES
    Via Muroni 25, Second floor, Sassari
    E-mail: bpes@uniss.it
    Tel: 079213006