Olbia 20.03 °C

Business Administration Tourism Management Degree

The Degree

To proceed with the enrolment in the master’s degree program in Business Administration Tourism management in Olbia you must be a graduate, pass the verification of curricular requirements and the interview of verification of the personal preparation of the candidate (which also includes a test of English language proficiency that must be taken regardless of the number of English language examinations passed in other degree programmes). 

360 etcs
3 years
University of Sassari (Uniss)
Courses start:
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Final Examination 12
Free or internship 6
Laboratory of management of tourism companies 6 SECS-P/07
Related examination (two to choose from the list) 12
Economy of tourist destinations 12 SECS-P/01
Digital marketing and revenue management 12 SECS-P/08
TOTAL CREDITS - Second Year - Tourism Management 60
Courses table Related List Credits Sector (SSD)
Table courses Two choices
Sustainable tourism and local development 6 M-GRR/02
Forecasting methods for the analysis of tourism markets 6 SECS-S/04
Table courses Two choices
Environmental policy 6 SECS-P/02
Transport law 6 IUS/06
NB: it is possible to insert one or both similar courses discarded among the credits chosen by the student
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
English Language II 6
Free 6
Business statistic * 6 SECS-S/03
Law of business crises 6 IUS/04
Integrated quality management systems 6 SECS-P/13
Corporate Finance - Advanced Course (Mod 1 + Mod 2) * 12 SECS-P/09
Strategy and corporate governance 6 SECS-P/07
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Economics and industrial organization 12 SECS-P/01
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Final Examination 12
Free or internship 6
Economics of financial intermediaries 12 SECS-P/11
Related examination (two to choose from the list) 12
Economics of commercial enterprises (Retail marketing from a.a. 2020/21) 6 SECS-P/08
Economics of business and government 12 SECS-P/07
TOTAL CREDITS - Second Year - Services management 60
Courses table Related List Credits Sector (SSD)
Table courses Two choices
Transport law 6 IUS/06
Public and the markets 6 SECS-S/04
Table courses Two choices
Right to services of public interest 6 IUS/21
Economic Assessment of Decisions Laboratory 6 SECS-P/02
NB: it is possible to insert one or both similar courses discarded among the credits chosen by the student
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Final Examination 12
Free or internship 6
Related examination (two to choose from the list) 12
Business laboratory 6 SECS-P/09
Organisational behaviour and DSS Lab. (Mod 1 + Mod 2) 12 SECS-P/10
TOTAL CREDITS - Second Year - General Management 48
Courses table Related List Credits Sector (SSD)
Table courses Two choices
Public and the markets 6 SECS-S/04
Risk management 6 SECS-S/06
Table courses Two choices
Geoeconomics 6 M-GRR/02
Financial instruments 6 SECS-P/11
NB: it is possible to insert one or both similar courses discarded among the credits chosen by the student
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Strategic and operational marketing (Mod1 + Mod2) 12 SECS-P/08
TOTAL CREDITS - Second Year- General Management 12
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
Final Examination 12
Free or internship 6
Related examination (two to choose from the list) 12
Business Law - Advanced Course 12 IUS/04
Professional Technique and Business Audit 12 SECS-P/07
Tax Law - Advanced Course 6 IUS/12
TOTAL CREDITS - Second Year - Business Consulting and Freelance Profession 60
Courses table Related List Credits Sector (SSD)
Table courses Two choices
Right to extraordinary transactions 6 IUS/04
Procedural tax law 6 IUS/12
Table courses Two choices
Consolidated financial statements 6 SECS-P/07
international accounting standards(Budget - advanced course from a.a. 2020/21) 6 SECS-P/07
NB: it is possible to insert one or both similar courses discarded among the credits chosen by the student
Teaching Credits Sector (SSD)
English Language II 6
Free 6
Business statistics 6 SECS-S/03
Law of business crises 6 IUS/04
Economics and industrial organization 12 SECS-P/01
Integrated quality management systems 6 SECS-P/13
Corporate Finance - Advanced Course (Mod 1 + Mod 2) 12 SECS-P/09
Strategy and corporate governance 6 SECS-P/07
TOTAL CREDITS - First Year 60

Learning outcomes

The master’s degree program in Business Administration Tourism Management aims to train highly qualified graduates able to perform managerial functions, administrative and consultancy within private and public companies operating in the tourism sector in Sardinia, in particular in Olbia and Gallura.

The main goal of this master’s degree is to train professionals with a particular competence in the management and administration of companies and in the system of rules that influence their activity. The degree program also aims to train graduates who specialize in the management of certain business functions crucial to business success, such as marketing and organization and control.

Career opportunities

The graduate in Business Administration Tourism Management, through the acquired skills, is able to play roles in the general management of private and public enterprises operating in the industrial and service sectors and to manage the main business functions, in different contexts of reference, both through the full domain of strategic analysis, analysis techniques and support to decision-making processes, and by coordinating and organizing operational units. With the acquired skills can support the management and administration of companies also as a business consultant and professional qualified to the profession of chartered accountant.

The graduate in the course of Business Administration Tourism Management can be placed in companies of different economic sectors, with particular attention to those most developed on the territory of Olbia and Gallura:

  • leadership roles in all business processes;
  • senior management roles of the monobusiness or diversified enterprise;
  • management roles of the individual functional areas of the enterprise; these include, in particular, strategic management, administrative, marketing and commercial management, finance, process quality control and certification;
  • senior management and managerial roles in central and regional public administrations, local authorities and healthcare companies;
  • senior management and management roles in companies operating in the financial sector;
  • Entrepreneurial and managerial roles in tourism enterprises;
  • external consultancy to companies and other bodies, public or private, with particular reference to the administrative and managerial areas of business law;
  • control activities both in internal company bodies and in auditing companies;
  • profession of chartered accountant, which requires registration in section A of the register of chartered accountants and accounting experts, after training and passing the state examination (d. leg. 139/2005).

These are some of the professional outlets:

  • Management and control specialists in private enterprises
  • Management and control specialists in public administrations
  • Specialists in work organization
  • Budget specialists
  • Specialists in management accounting
  • Tax consultant and taxation law expert
  • Specialists in the acquisition of goods and services
  • Specialists in the marketing of goods and services (excluding ICT)
  • Specialists in finance for the enterprise
  • Market analysts

    Info and Contacts
    Didactic Manager
    Dr. Barbara PES
    Via Muroni 25, II piano, Sassari
    E-mail: bpes@uniss.it
    Tel: 079213006
    Dr. Pes receives on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 12 pm. More days and/or times can be agreed by e-mail
    Head of the Degree Programme
    Prof. Katia CORSI
    Via Muroni 25, Second floor, Sassari
    E-mail: kcorsi@uniss.it
    Tel: 079213033
    Prof. Corsi receives on the days indicated in the student reception (indicated in the Moodle platform). More days and/or times may be agreed by email.